TBH Podcast
TBH Podcast
The TBH Podcast - "Sound Effects!"
  1. Hello’s and story time (0:00 – 2:14)
  2. Blue Jays chatter (2:14 – 10:23)
  3. Is Vladdy OK? (10:23 – 21:40)
  4. All-Star Game selections (21:41 – 24:36)
  5. Keefe staying put (24:37 – 34:57)
  6. Oh, oh, oh, O’Reilly (34:58 – 41:44)
  7. 2023 NHL Draft! (41:45 – 54:26)
  8. Pigeon of the Week (54:27 – 1:04:24)
  9. Christian cuts a promo (1:04:25 – 1:05:42)
  10. Goodbye’s (1:05:43 – 1:06:58)

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