First and foremost, a big thank you is in order to everyone engaging with our new content as of late! Without you, the readers and the listeners, all of these new and exciting opportunities and content drops at Untapped North wouldn’t be as nearly fun to share. We strive to continue delivering unique sports content to you on weekly basis, and we appreciate all your support.

Now that we have the sappy stuff out of the way, let’s dive into some of what that new content is and who the people behind the content are!


That’s right, Untapped North is happy to announce a couple of brand new podcasts, with a third on the way! Inside Intercounty and the TBH Podcast are two shows hosted by Andrew Stuetz, alongside veteran Intercounty Baseball League pitcher Chris Lazar (Inside Intercounty and TBH), and Yannis Economopoulos (TBH Podcast).

Inside Intercounty (@insideIBLpod)

The Intercounty Baseball League, better known as the IBL, is a Canadian amateur baseball league comprising teams of college players and former professionals from North America and beyond. The league was formed in 1919 and now consists of eight teams that are located in Southern Ontario.

The podcast is a two-part series with weekly releases on Tuesday and Thursday or Friday afternoons, depending on interviews and scheduling. The goal is to give listeners and fans of the IBL an extended version of the league’s weekly Power Rankings written by Lazar, and then also give them an opportunity to tune in for a weekly interview with players, coaches, or even management and stadium staff from around the league.

The goal is to build awareness and support around a baseball league that often doesn’t get enough coverage, while also introducing new fans to an exciting baseball league that is a lot of fun for all ages.

TBH Podcast (@theTBHpod)

Toronto, baseball, hockey… Oh my! The TBH Podcast aims to cover stories in sports from around Toronto, including Blue Jays baseball and Maple Leafs hockey … Honestly!

Hot takes, hotter topics, that’s the name of the game on the TBH Podcast and every Friday afternoon, you can catch Andrew, Chris, and Yannis, talk all things Toronto sports… Honestly!

Photo Gallery

Untapped North has introduced the Photo Gallery page which is slowly rolling out a collection of original photos from varying sporting events. All photos are by Andrew Stuetz, and he hopes that you can enjoy some original sports photos as he continues to build his professional portfolio.

Don’t hesitate to drop a comment or a share on anything you like.

As of now, that’s all of the exciting new content that Untapped North is rolling out, but as mentioned before, keep an eye out for a third and final podcast that should be looking to drop closer to the end June.

Our goal isn’t to overwhelm our audience, so let us introduce to you Inside Intercounty, the TBH Podcast, and the brand new photo gallery that Untapped North is now offering!


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